Drawings of Yves Saint Laurent


  • Original title: Drawings of Yves Saint Laurent
  • Director: Loic Prigent
  • Length: 52 min
  • Country: France
  • Year: 2017


The Pierre Bergé-Yves Saint Laurent Foundation is a treasure trove of iconic haute couture creations, including thousands of exquisite sketches by the eminent fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent. Providing evidence of fashion history and the fashion designer's own career at the same time, they form the raw material of a documentary, supplemented by input from Pierre Bergé and other designers who worked with the famous fashion designer.

Yves Saint Laurent's job was drawing. It was his passion and he was happiest when drawing. The number of sketches left by the fashion designer is so large that it has not even been possible to catalog them all, reaching approximately 200,000. Each of them is like a gem, in which a moment is captured and which tells its own story. This film brings the famous fashion designer's sketches to light from the archive and brings them back to life.

Fashion expert Urmas Väljaots will make an introduction to the film screenings.